
How to Make the Citation of this Document using the INPE Standard (BibINPE Format)

CAVALCANTI, I. F. A.; MARENGO, J. A.; SANCHES, M. Analise do desempenho do MCGA CPTEC/COLA na previsao sazonal da regiao sul/sudeste da America do Sul nos anos de 1998 a 2000. In: CONGRESSO LATINO AMERICANO E IBÉRCIO DE METEOROLOGIA, 9. Y CONGRESSO ARGENTINO DE METEOROLOGIA, 8., 2001, Buenos Aires (AR). Anales... 2001. CD-ROM. (INPE-10603-PRE/6065). Available from: <>.

How to Make the In-Text Citation (by author/year)

... as proposed by Cavalcanti, Marengo and Sanches (2001).
... may be found in the literature (CAVALCANTI; MARENGO; SANCHES, 2001).
